Site Assessment
Integrating tree projects into paddock management is the key design factor. Management techniques like crop rotations and stocking levels, short and long term objectives for the revegetation or landcare project. All these are considered in choosing the correct revegetation or landcare technique.
Time spent with clients is crucial so PALS can understand how the business runs or what requirements are needed by authorities. Bill Davey carries out all the site assessments in careful consultation with the client prior to project commencement.

Civil revegetation projects require meticulous project management. Specified mixes of seedlings are planted across different zones to create a ‘natural’ bush effect.

This site was designed for alley format so farm machinery can traverse the site. This format integrates landcare into paddock management on broadacre farming properties.

PALS carries out revegetation throughout the Western Australian Wheatbelt.
Land Preparation
Excellent site preparation for revegetation, landcare and tree crop projects is essential. Deep ripping eliminates the need for summer watering and allows the roots to penetrate the sub soil unhindered.
Scalping pushes the non-wetting soils away from the planting zones. It also assists in the long term weed control around the seedlings. Mounding elevates the trees from possible waterlogging and concentrates the topsoils as many trees are lost through waterlogging. Mounding also concentrates topsoils within the planting zone.
Weed control
Plantation and Landcare Services is registered commercial spray contractor with the Government of WA. Deptment of Health. With over 35 years experience throughout WA specialising in weed control operations. The PALS team has excellent weed identification and weed control options and methods that are efficient and effective.
Effective weed control prior to planting is essential to maximise survival rates. Before each project a weed identification/spectrum report is written so a management schedule can be incorporrated into the operations.
Spraying the planting zones prior to site preparation is crucial, especially if there are evasive weeds and like couch and kikuyu. Herbicide sprays prevent the actively-growing weeds being incorporated into site preparation operations.
After further weed germination the planting zones are resprayed. A mix of a knockdown and residual herbicide ensures the planting zone is free from weeds throughout the initial summer.
Periodic inspections ensures that if there is regermination the correct selective weed control chemical is used. Depending on the weed spectrum some selective chemicals can be sprayed over native trees and shrubs.


Scalping profile

Ripping and mounding equipment. Heavy roller consolidates the mound and make a profile to collect water, this is where the trees is planted.

Mound Profile

Seedling Supply

Experience nurseries are able to consistently produce large quantities of quality seedlings for all revegetation projects.
Tree Planting Services
PALS undertakes both machine and hand planting projects.
Machine planting is sometimes favoured in low rainfall zones where catchment profile and good compaction around the trees may increase survival rates.
Hand planting is the favoured option in most cases. It is the only option where the areas have been mounded and waterlogging is an issue. Hand planting ensures the profile of the mound is kept intact. Hand planting is the preferred method for large scale projects.

Handplanting is the preferred method of planting for large scale projects and on mounds within waterlogged areas.